Choi Eun Sun

       After seeing the man with the camera snapping pictures outside the gates I was nervous. Why was he here, and whom did he work for? Unanswered questions to a nameless man, shoving this new event to the back of my mind, I went from room to room making sure the movers and decorators arranged everything to my exact specifications. There wasn’t much for me to do besides unpack my luggage.
       James Moreau would be staying in a guest room on the opposite side of the house equipped with his own office and personal entrance. Initially he wanted to stay at a hotel but I insisted on giving him the room free of charge, free meals and it would be easier for us to travel to the office together, rather than have him travel the 30 minutes from Seoul to pick me up and then back to the office. I hated wasting money on gas. James was busy checking with the security team and making sure all their equipment was working and in order per the request of Patrick. There are to be two men posted at the newly built guardhouse at the gates and nine posted in teams of two at different entries at the house. I am Patrick’s most precious asset and he wanted me to feel as safe and comfortable being back in in Korea. If the security needed to be tightened, all I had to do was call him, if the pressure becomes unbearable he will bring me back to Paris.
Even though I was on edge about having a run in with the Kim Family, I had James as my own personal body guard, no matter where I went outside the office he’ll stay by my side never letting anyone getting no more than 5 feet close to. James was skilled in martial arts, Jujitsu, boxing, kickboxing, aikido, etc., you name it he is very well trained to protect and defend, but his management skills is what landed him on the top floor of HSP with me three years ago.
Min Sun and Jae Hwa were enjoying their room, exploring and talking about the difference of what their room looked like back in Paris. They had no need for me at the moment; I just watched them from the doorway and listened to their observations. Min Sun when she smiled or raised her eyebrows up in excitement resembles Young Min, I could watch her all day long because she was always smiling, always happy reminding of the days that Young Min in I had spent in the States.  I turned away quickly, as tears started to form in the wells of my eyes.
There was no forgetting this man; there were reminders of him everywhere. The chirping bell pulled me away from my thoughts and I ran to the phone being rang from the guardhouse.
“Mrs. Choi you have a guest here at the gates.”
“Who is it chief?”
       I waited while the chief of security received the guests name and what I heard next froze me, I dropped the phone and backed away from the door, backed myself into James who unbeknownst to me had been standing behind me waiting to hear who it was. His hands instantly went up to my arms and bent his 6 foot 3 inch body down so that his eye could meet mines.
“What’s wrong? Who is it?”
My legs felt; as though they were going to give way, my heart was pound erratically. Still holding on to me James picks up the receiver and speaks to the chief of security.
“This is Mr. Moreau who is the guest at the gate. No do not allow this person to enter. Have him wait. No Mrs. Choi will not be coming out. I will be out myself.”
James had not let go off me; he gazed down at me with those beautiful green eyes and for the first time I realized how handsome he was. He looked extremely upset and concerned. Lifting me from the floor he quickly carried me to the sofa, and sat me down.
“Rest here a bit. I will be back.”

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