Miss. Halie
Author of Diamonds Inc. Writings

Writing has always been my passion. I spent years putting pen and paper together writing my books. Until just recently I never shared nothing I had written nor had the thought ever come across my mind to find a publisher. Truth is I never felt that I was good enough of a writer to get that kind of acknowledgement. My work was for my eyes only, my hidden talent that was only appreciated by me. I could explain why but who wants to hear negativity.
Out of curiosity, I let my best friend read a book that I had written; it was called Bishop, and I wanted to know what she thought and to my surprise she loved, she said that I should be published. Shocking right?  I didn't pursue the idea, no matter how much she fussed with me. I lacked confidence in my work and worried no one would be interested.
Testing the waters I came up with Diamonds Inc. Writings and started writing to new books. I figured why not blog it on Facebook. I post the books in parts, like a t'v episodes, hoping that my writing is liked and that people would take the time to read each posting. I don't expect every one to like or even read them, nor do expect recognition, Just the chance to write what I love and have it read is enough for me. 

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