At The Airport

I yelled at the driver to go faster. We were five minutes from the airport, but it seemed like hours away. Eun Sun was unconscious, her breathing was shallow, her face and body bruised and bloodied. Besides this the problem now was she was bleeding heavily, she was loosing our baby. This was my fault, my mother had gone to far this time, and I will never forgive her. I could not keep my promise to Eun Sun to protect her and she may never forgive me, may even leave me. Her face showed her pain, and there was nothing I could do. Damnit.
The car came to a screeching halt on the tarmac in front of the plane. The driver rushed to open the door for me as I lifted Eun Sun out. The sheet she was wrapped in was covered in her blood, and she still hadn’t opened her eyes, her body was limp. Dr. Kim and his assistant greeted us as I entered the plane with Eun Sun in my arms. He escorted us to the back room where he had prepared to treat Eun Sun.
“Young Min where is the blood coming from?”
“Doc she’s pregnant, she was kicked in the stomach! Please you have to save them.”
I dropped to my knees, and grabbed on to his pants leg, crying, begging him to save her and the baby. He helped me to my feet and pushed me out of the room and closed the door. I slid to the floor against the wall closed my eyes and prayed to god that I would do anything as long as Eun Sun and the baby were okay.
Earlier that day we had gone shopping to decorate the nursery. I had promised her that when she got to be five months along that we would start the baby’s room. Eun Sun was so excited as we picked out the furniture and clothes, and strollers. She had picked out pink and blue stripped wallpaper and white carpet. As we ate lunch at Delores’ she said that she wanted to name the baby after my grandfather if we had a boy and after her mother if we had a girl. I had asked her if she wanted to wait to get married, we could do it after the baby was born so that she could fit into a beautiful wedding gown, but she insisted that fitting into a wedding gown wasn’t important to her, and that she wanted to get married while she was pregnant and have a gown fitted to suit her growing belly. What mattered to me was that she was happy. All I wanted was to have her by my side as my wife, so we set the date to get married on the beach in front of our home the following month and honeymoon in Miami for two weeks.  
Thirty minutes had gone by and I was starting to get impatient. It took all I had not to rush through the door. I paced back and forth, praying. I stood at the threshold of the planes entrance and watched as my fathers car pulled up. His driver opened the door for him, then popped the trunk and retrieved suitcases. They belonged to Eun Sun and I. Father boarded the plan. Stood before me, but I backed away from him, not sure what to expect after the encounter with my mother. Instead he placed his hands on my shoulders,
“How is she?”
I lowered my head in shame and embarrassment in front I my father.
“I don’t know.”
He nodded his head, but did not remove his hands. I didn’t know my father for being affectionate. Not to say that he didn’t love me, he had his own ways of showing that he cared or that he was proud of me. Our relationship was good and he always supported what ever decision I made, scolded me when needed, and encouraged me when needed, but never has he looked down on me for anything.
Thirty more minutes passed and finally Dr. Kim came to the front cabin. I tried to read his face as he approached father and I and bowed. He took a deep breath before speaking, his hands clasped in front of him he says,
“I’m sorry Young Min, the baby didn’t make it. Eun Sun is stable, but she has not regained consciousness, her body is weak and she needs time to heal and plenty of rest.”
I grabbed him by his collar, and told him he was lying, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, my anger was hot, I didn’t want to believe that my child was dead.
“You’re lying, you’re lying!”
My father pulled me away from the doctor, I struggled to get loose so I could finish choking him, but my father wasn’t letting go. He held me there as I cried out loud. I cried for my child, I cried for Eun Sun. I cried because I was angry. I cried so loud the pilots came from the cockpit to see what was going there as well as the two flight attendants. I could feel my heart tearing up in side my chest. Soon father was crying silently, for the life of his first grandchild taken away because of his wife.
Doc-       “Sir, I think its best that we wait till the morning to take off. I want to monitor Mrs. Choi a little longer.”
Father gave him the go ahead, and sent the pilots and the flight attendants to the hotels for the night. My tears would not stop. In my mind, I kept going back to earlier in the day seeing Eun Suns hair blowing in the wind as we walked down the boulevard, her eyes sparkling in the sun as she smiled because her heart was in love and loves. I knew I would never see that smile again. She will never forgive me and I will never forgive my mother and it will be even harder to forgive myself for not being able to protect Eun Sun. Father had his guards escort me to the hotel to clean up and rest a bit. I had no appetite, after a shower, a glass of cognac soothed my headache my not my heart, I stood looking out the window at the plane still parked on the tarmac, wondering if Eun Sun had woken up yet. I keep seeing her smile and eyes, her hands running through my hair, the scent of her perfume on my shirt in the mornings. But then my memory took me back to the house in our room; I can hear her cries, the fear in her eyes. Oh god I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t protect our baby. My phone rings.
“Are you ready to do as I ask you?”
“You have the nerves to call me. Are you even my mother?
I will never forgive. I don’t ever want to see you again. Your best bet is to not return home, because I’m truly tempted to kill you.”
“Kim Young Min, how dare you talk to me that I way, and for some trash that couldn’t keep her legs closed? I’m your mother!”
“I don’t have a mother, never call me again.”
Another glass of cognac eased me into a fitful sleep. My dreams were full of Eun Sun hating me and cursing me; crying for our baby. I woke in sweat breathing heavy, there were loud knocks at my door. I opened the door to find my father. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. Handing me a cup of coffee he says,
“You didn’t sleep well either?”
“She still hasn’t woken up. Doc says its due to stress and shock. I am sorry Young Min. I should have never sent your mother to find you. I never thought she would do something like this.”
“She called last night. It’s better that she stays away from me and Eun Sun; no mother should do what she has done to their own child and call that love. She took something from me more precious than my own life and for that I can never have her in my life again. At first I thought she was like that because she worried about Jae Hwa and me; control has always been her mission. Father how can I tell Eun Sun that my mother is responsible for the death of our child.”
“Young Min, don’t worry about it, we will handle it together when the time comes. As far as your mother is concerned, I will deal with her. I’ve already called lawyer Chang to start the divorce papers. I can no longer live with her. Enough for now, we take off in forty-five minutes. Get yourself together and get to the plane.”
I bowed to him as he left.

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